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91 Billet Lane          HORNCHURCH              RM11 1XJ  

77 Woodford Rd  SOUTH WOODFORD    E18  2EA      

Tel:   01708  501150

020 8532 2922

Your First Visit to Body Balance Osteopaths

Consulting an Osteopath is similar to any other hospital type appointment. Your osteopath will spend some time asking you questions and listening to you describe your problem. There will be an enquiry into your general heath. This is followed by an examination of the parts causing the trouble and probably a wider ranging examination of other areas too.


Once this is finished the Osteopath will be able to tell you what they think is wrong. They will discuss the treatment options with you.

The case history interview.

This will take 10 to 20 minutes depending on the complexity of your medical history.  The osteopath will go through everything with you.

What to wear at the Osteopaths

Osteopathy focuses on carefully observing and assessing the entire body. During your initial assessment, you may be asked to undress to your underwear to allow for a thorough evaluation, depending on the location of the issue. Rest assured, we only ask you to undress to the extent necessary for effective treatment of the muscloskletal system. Many patients choose to bring shorts, gym wear or their most comfortable underwear.


To ensure your comfort, your osteopath will use towels to cover you as much as possible during the treatment. Gowns are also available. If you need a chaperone, you’re welcome to bring someone with you or let us know in advance so we can arrange for one.


We have both male and female practitioners, and our priority is to make you feel as comfortable as possible. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with any part of the examination or treatment, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


Osteopaths are registered health professional. Licenced by the General Osteopathic Council so you can be sure of high standards of training and professionalism. Our consultant practitioners are BUPA private medical insurance approved.


We respect your preferences and are happy to provide a gown or accommodate your requests for modesty. If having a friend or relative present would make you feel more at ease, this is perfectly OK.

The osteopathic examination

Osteopath Examination What to wear

During the examination, your osteopath will assess your movements while you stand or sit. They will feel the bones and muscles and connective tissues. This allows them to observe how different movements affect your pain. Osteopaths are highly skilled at recognizing abnormal movement patterns and identifying differences between the two sides of your body. This information helps them understand the root of the problem.


Next, you’ll likely be asked to sit or lie down on the treatment table and relax your muscles. We are experienced in working with patients who are in significant pain, and your osteopath will be mindful of this throughout the examination. They will then use specific techniques to gently move individual joints, testing for pain, range of motion, and overall joint function.

Special Tests

You may need one or more specific tests during your examination. Often, these tests will focus on your nervous system, as joint problems can commonly affect the nerves. Your reflexes and sensitivity to touch might be assessed. Osteopaths use many diagnostic techniques similar to those your doctor might use, so much of the examination will likely feel familiar.

X-Rays and MRI Scans

In some cases, it may be beneficial to obtain images, such as X-rays or scans, before or during your treatment. Your osteopath will discuss this with you, ensuring that only images relevant to your clinical decision-making are used. Routine imaging for all patients is not necessary and is not a standard part of modern manual therapy practice.

Treatment Options

Once all the information is gathered, your osteopath will discuss the likely causes of your problem with you. This explanation may cover two aspects: the immediate factor causing your pain, such as a muscle strain, and the underlying reasons for your condition, like work practices or postural issues.

Before treatment begins, the osteopath will present various options and discuss all aspects of the treatment, including its risks and benefits. After this discussion, you can choose to proceed with the treatment, request a referral to another provider, or seek advice on self-management strategies.

If you would like to talk to a helpful and knowledgeable person about any of this then please call our friendly reception team on 01708 702200 or call and ask to speak to one of the osteopaths.

Call to Book

Call our friendly and knowledgeable reception team to book your treatment


01708 501150

020 8532 2292


All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and must adhere to strict practice standards issued by the GOsC.

We're GOsC Registered Osteopaths Mark
Body Balance Osteopaths Patient Charter

Your Osteopath will tell you


  • Why you are in pain

  • How long your recovery should take 

  • How many treatments you should need. 

  • Explain the treatment options and ask you to agree before treatment begins.


91 Billet Lane



RM11 1XJ



77 Woodford Road

South Woodford


E18 2EA

020 8532 2922


Mon - Fri:   8.30am – 6.00pm 

Saturday:  8.30am – 1.00pm



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© 2024 Body Balance

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