91 Billet Lane HORNCHURCH RM11 1XJ
77 Woodford Rd SOUTH WOODFORD E18 2EA
Tel: 01708 501150
020 8532 2922
Knee Strain
Simple Knee Sprain Osteopathy Treatment

If you think your pain is the result of having done more activity than you're used to, you've probably just strained the knee. This means that the knee tissues have stretched, but are not permanently damaged. Read more about sprains and strains.
You should care for your knee at home and the pain should eventually go away.
We can help you prevent future knee pain by:
advising on warm up and cool down exercises
advising on good work posture and practice
biomechanical assessment of you leg and foot function
Call to Book
Call our friendly and knowledgeable reception team to book your treatment
01708 501150
020 8532 2292
All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and must adhere to strict practice standards issued by the GOsC.

Body Balance Osteopaths Patient Charter
Your Osteopath will tell you
Why you are in pain
How long your recovery should take
How many treatments you should need.
Explain the treatment options and ask you to agree before treatment begins.